Tesla officially confirms production of over 300,000 vehicles

Tesla surpasses 300,000 vehicles produced, which leaves only one of the original 10 operational milestones unsatisfied.
Though Tesla may be the most well-known electric car maker, it still falls short in terms of production. However, this stands to change in the near future, especially as Model 3 production begins to ramp up substantially.
The Silicon Valley automaker has inadvertently confirmed that it surpassed a production milestone of 300,000 vehicles. As shown below, this is one of several milestones that were put in place back in 2012 to accelerate growth.
At the end of 2017, Tesla had delivered ~289,000 vehicles (212,821 Model S, 71,927 Model X, 1,772 Model 3, and ~2,450 Roadsters). So, the automaker only needed to produce about 11,000 more to surpass the milestone (keep in mind that there were surely many vehicles produced by the end of December that had yet to be delivered). However, Tesla doesn’t report those numbers until the end of the next quarter.
Nonetheless, being that there is a milestone for “Aggregate vehicle production of 300,000 vehicles,” and the recent report for shareholders confirms that only one milestone was not met (and it was a different one, as specified below), we know that the automaker has surpassed the threshold.