Christian von Albrichsfeld, Continental Romania: “We need more people working in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity”

“We as society need to get to the CO2 neutrality as fast as possible. Continental is 100 percent committed to carbon neutrality across the entire value chain and to circular economy.
We need to look at different technologies in place which allow this. We need to be open to solutions. We need to find the best way of reducing our CO2 footprint,” Christian von Albrichsfeld, Head of Country Continental Romania said during Automotive R&D Power Breakfast organized by Automotive Today.
“Business is coming back. It will take two more years to get back to the figures from 2018-2019. The chip shortage is a real topic. We would like to produce more but we have this shortage. Another topic we should discuss more is the pandemic evolution. We need to see what we can do to encourage the vaccination.
We also need to work on a better regulatory framework so that people who are vaccinated and working in office spaces can have some advantages.
We have to look into ways of not using that much energy and overall resources when building components.
Regarding state-aid support, I think infrastructure is still the top priority. The Western border should be reachable from different production sites. Looking at the funding possibilities through PNRR, we need to use this for the modernization of our workforce. We need a productivity increase, which means people who are better educated. We need to have more people working in artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, IoT, cloud computing. All these topics are coming to the automotive industry. We need 10,000 engineers every year to have these new skills.
We need to ensure a car has the same usage value for the customers for its entire life cycle. Updates over-the-air are becoming more and more important for the people.
We see megatrends like electrification, autonomous cars, more software in the car, and the cybersecurity.”
Click here for full recording of the event.